Technology Cities in Europe.
Cities have been preparing to enter a global digital transformation. The coordination of all the systems joins the commitment to develop a connected world that is useful to the community, through collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The initiatives of different European countries are promising, but it is necessary to prevail and excel in the technological race for the creation of ecosystems that are developed through government support, financing, and infrastructure policies.
We can see that European cities are competing with each other for becoming future tech city and develop the technology innovations. This year, despite the instability of Brexit, London takes first place, followed by Paris, Dublin, and Munich. Madrid ranks at the 11th place, while Barcelona the 19th. Bucharest, at 22nd place, embodies the trend towards the attractiveness of eastern countries for technological development and commitment. Also we can see that, #warsaw in 6th in the list. Poland became the technology country and developing new solutions for Europe markets. We can see it from #software and #hardware side. From technology development we can analyze the best life index from technology earns. Amsterdam is the top city which have high salaries and high chance for technologies companies get success in Europe. Average salary for #technology industry is €4,036 comparing this rate with London we can see the €512 difference. Amsterdam is 5th place in the top lists but in success list became first place last year. Poland (Warsaw) has 77% of chance for technology startups comparing with Netherlands (Amsterdam) 10% less success for startups.
We see that #amsterdam in the top of the list for technology industry and average salary comparing with other European cities. At the same time, tax rates are flexible for startups to get success in market. That's way we can see more chance for companies in this city. Just startups tech companies are between 1900 and 2600 in the Amsterdam. It means that, we can see Amsterdam future tech city soon.