Project Management Education Partnership with AMEN France
BITE Consulting Services investing more resources for education sphere. Last 2 years BCS signed more than 20 Universities partnership agreement and providing with Project Management education. At the same time, new platform which is useful to manage all the business process.
Yesterday BCS signed new contract with AMEN France Badminton Club new one and half year of agreement for educating Project Management in sport business. AMEN France has more than 100 staff which working in different departments. We will provide them with new methodology for managing business better and develop in France market. Also, AMEN France has members which they wish become more professional in badminton sport. Managing all those sportsmen and members taking more time and resources. We will work together to understand demand of members and the way of increasing their skills. Make all those process working better AMEN France build new department which call Project Management. Mostly they need understand all the responsibilities during sport event and coordinating. BCS will invest the resources for importance of PM methods in sports events. Each year AMEN France join the local championship with team and they work for better result.
We believe that, during 1,6 years we will do great results together. We will add in our program: developing the theories and techniques. Managers to use PM methods to get success. Knowledge Transfer between managers and organizers to understand project better. At the same time, Knowledge Book for typical project phases that derive from traditional PM terminology.